If you are like many men, you may find yourself wanting to masturbate every chance you get – like every time you’re alone at home, or every time you go into the men’s room – you may even say that you have a masturbation condition.
Yes, it’s a condition.
There are cases that are easily curable, and you can control your urges if you really focus, but then there are also more serious cases that need professional help.
Basically, it boils down to the fact whether or not you masturbate too much and it affects your daily life.
While masturbation can be good, healthy even, but only if you do it once every few days.
Doing it too often can be dangerous to your physical, psychological and social health.
So the question is, how do you stop yourself?
Thankfully, there are a lot of simple ways you can help fight the urges and beat masturbation addiction.
Seeking professional help can be your last resort, especially if you think that you can’t control it anymore.
While you are still able to control yourself, here are 17 strategies that can help you fight the urges of always touching yourself down there:
1. Create A Masturbation Schedule

Yes, as ridiculous as it sounds, one way to minimize or stop touching yourself is to create a schedule on when you can touch yourself.
It’s simple.
To make it more systematic, you have to make it more systematic and that’s by planning it out.
As sad as it is – the thought of you scheduling your ejaculations – it’s actually a good way to prevent masturbation addiction.
If you put in a schedule for when you would allow yourself to masturbate, say once or twice a week, you can build your self-discipline and that is a good start.
However, if you start having the urge to masturbate again before your next planned date, try some of the methods below to get you by…
2. Avoid Being All Alone

When you are alone in your room or at home, you get ideas.
You get tempted to do stuff, because no one is there to see you.
Sometimes, you get the great idea on how to spend your alone time is to pleasure yourself.
While it’s not entirely wrong, it becomes bad when it happens often.
You start shutting yourself off from the world and your social skills get affected.
To avoid that altogether, surround yourself with friends and family all of the time.
This will also divert your attention from wanting to touch yourself.
3. Take A Cold Shower

This is especially true when the urge to masturbate is very high (and you happen to be alone).
When you are really tempted to do it and you have nothing else to do within your reach, take a cold shower.
Cold showers are great to tamper a lot of feelings.
One of them is when you are turned on.
Ever notice how in movies, when a man is very much tempted to make love to a woman, but for some reason, he can’t.
He would take a long, cold shower to tame down his erection.
The idea is practically the same for this scenario.
4. Listen To Relaxing Music

If you are tensed or stressed out and you feel like jerking off is the only way to release the tension, listen to some relaxing music.
Classical or instrumental music are said to relax the mind that would eventually relax the muscles and even out the blood circulation.
5. Stop Watching Porn

Porn stimulates your brain and turns you on.
It’s as simple as that.
When you watch porn, you are subjecting yourself to temptation that will end up in masturbation.
Let’s be honest.
You watch porn because you want to live your sexual fantasies and pleasure yourself, right?
If you are someone who watches porn often, this may be the reason why you masturbate often, too.
To cut down on the masturbation, you need to address the root cause and stop watching porn, which is a trigger.
6. Watch Action Movies Instead

If you are turned on by watching romance flicks or porn for that matter, the best way to avoid it is to discontinue watching these films.
If you have identified that these are the root causes, or the triggers for why you want to touch yourself, it is only appropriate that you stop doing it.
What you can do?
Watch action movies instead.
You can also watch other genre that you can be positive would not turn you on.
There are a lot of movies that you can watch and that can divert your attention from masturbation.
7. Stop Thinking About Touching Yourself

The simple and obvious way to avoid touching yourself down there is to stop thinking about it. It all starts with your thoughts.
Whatever you end up doing is dependent on how you entertain and tolerate your thoughts.
To avoid getting tempted to masturbate, at the first thought of doing it, kill the idea immediately.
It’s when you entertain the idea that will start building up into the urge to do it and will eventually end up in you actually doing it.
The ability to control your thoughts is very important.
The easiest way to stop thinking about it is to fill your thoughts with something else positive.
8. Think Of New Ideas To Help Your Company

New ideas can make your boss extremely happy.
Eight hours at work can sometimes be not enough to finish all your work.
It’s even less if you think about having sex with your sexy teammate half the time.
Instead of daydreaming of a quickie in the pantry, think of new ideas that can help your team or your company as a whole to improve your processes.
You know where this can go?
That’s right, an increase in your paycheck.
Did that get your attention?
Of course it did.
The only thing better than sex is money.
If you continue to perform well in your company, your boss just might think of giving you a higher salary.
9. Call Your Parents

Okay, this is a little awkward, but it gets better.
When was the last time you called your parents?
When was the last time you visited them?
Or, you may still live with them, but when was the last time you actually sat down and talked to them about what’s going on with you?
You’re thinking, back tracking to time immemorial.
That’s not good.
We grow up, and we grow old and independent.
We sometimes forget to ask our parents how they are.
This is getting sentimental, but do you know what this means?
It means instead of thinking how you can pleasure yourself all the time, think of other people that you love, like your parents, for instance.
Call them up and talk to them about how you are and how they are.
That can make them happy and you’ll be surprised how light you will feel after talking to your family.
10. Clean Up The House

Help out around the house and make her really, really happy.
You know how she sometimes nags you to stop bumming around and give her a hand with maintaining the house?
This is it, gentlemen.
This is where you take your energy from, and that’s not the only example too.
If you live by yourself, instead of masturbating or turning your house into a porn studio every chance you get, try rearranging the furniture and cleaning up after yourself.
You’ll be surprised how much money you can save from not calling up the cleaners to tidy up after you.
11. Study And Learn Something New

Energy is dictated by the brain.
If the brain is exhausted, the body eventually follows suit.
That simply means you can use your brain to channel the energy that you have.
If you choose to use your brain, use it for something that can benefit you all in all. How’s that, you ask?
It’s simple.
Learn something new.
Read the paper, some classic books and study something new like algebra or the origin of the universe.
Exhaust your brain, instead of exhausting your manhood.
Leaning something new can help you in many ways in life.
12. Indulge In A New Hobby

Instead making masturbation and orgasm a hobby, indulge in something more social and something that could expose you more to the world.
Like hiking, biking, swimming – the options are endless if you’re willing to try out something new.
The good thing about hobbies is that it can go from sitting down and knitting to bungee jumping off a cliff – it’s everywhere and you can choose what best suits you.
So indulge in a new hobby and expose yourself to things that the world has to offer other than your eyes rolling with pleasure.
13. Do Some Exhausting Exercises

When the urge is too strong, wear yourself out with exercises.
If you are starting to get an addiction to masturbation, one good way to fight it is to wear yourself out every day, so that you won’t have the energy to do it anymore.
Do some exercises like running, lifting weights or even a brisk walk around the neighborhood.
It does not have to be in the gym.
You can jog around your neighborhood or do some push-ups and pull-ups.
You are actually doing yourself a favor, because you are also working out to develop your body while distracting your mind.
14. Do Some Yoga

Yoga has always been known to relax the mind and help you learn to control your body and thoughts.
By doing yoga, you are also learning to fight the bodily urges that you will have, including the urge to masturbate.
You will become the master of your physical domain.
15. Volunteer For Environmental Work

Don’t laugh, this is serious.
We’re talking about energy and how you can use it for more productive purposes other than pleasuring yourself.
What better way to channel your energy than to give back to Mother Nature?
That’s right, go to the nearest environmental project within your vicinity and see how you can help.
The world needs all the help it can get and all that cliché stuff.
Instead of masturbating and putting all your energy on a porn marathon, do something for the whole world.
Be a modern superhero.
As ridiculous as you think it may be, it’s still a way to channel your energy into something more productive that can help the greater good.
16. Find Yourself A Partner

Masturbation happens if you want to feel pleasure, but you don’t have anyone with you to help you get that pleasure.
Sex is meant to be done by two people.
Pleasuring yourself does not always have to be a lone act.
You don’t have to stay solo when you want to reach orgasmic pleasure.
Go out and meet new people of the opposite sex.
Find yourself a partner who you can make love to every time you want to feel pleasure and give pleasure.
Orgasm is a lot better if you do it together with a partner.
17. If All Else Fails, Seek Help

If you feel like you are becoming addicted to masturbation, you have to be honest to yourself and admit that you have gone far.
Like alcoholism or drug addiction, it starts with being brave enough to admit that you are starting to get addicted.
Seek advice from your family or friends.
Of course, you don’t have to advertise it to the whole clan.
If you are ashamed, that is perfectly understandable, but you have to realize that your family and your real friends will be there to help you.
You should also seek a doctor’s help and advice, as well.
Your doctor can refer you to a specialist, but your family and friends will also be there with you, to help divert your attention and fight your urges.

They say idle minds are breeding grounds for evil thoughts.
Well, if you’re not thinking of anything evil, you will start thinking about things that could entertain you.
Like masturbation, for instance.
The urge to masturbate comes when your mind and hands are idle, and you have the means to do it.
That is why if you want to avoid masturbating so much, you should do the exact opposite of being idle.
That is, to keep yourself occupied with other lots of other things.
There are a lot of stuff to do, depending on your mood and energy levels.
Play sports; find a new hobby; go out and enjoy the sun.
The possibilities are endless.
Get your life back and do yourself a huge favor by not masturbating constantly.
By beating your urges, you are doing something else entirely that can be good for you.